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hair and harlow fairy meadow



Director & Executive Stylist


For those of you I haven’t met, I’m Justine the director of hair&harlow Fairy Meadow. My hairdressing career began 17 years ago when I was just 15, working Thursday nights & Saturdays at a local salon in Bowral. I started my apprenticeship and my passion for hairdressing grew quickly, I was always looking for challenges and ways to expand my career. I began competing in hairdressing competitions all over Australia before I settled down in Wollongong and soon after opened Hair & Harlow. After 17 years my passion for the industry only keeps growing, my goals are always changing and I am so proud to have built an incredible salon and business with strong values with an incredible presence within the hairdressing world. I believe strongly in female empowerment, and I believe everyone deserves a beautiful work place to grow and flourish. hair&harlow Fairy Meadow was designed with every detail in mind to deliver you the ultimate, luxurious experience paired with beautiful hair.

  • Favourite thing to do as a hairstylist? I love to colour, I love to educate and I love being a leader to my incredible team
  • When I’m not at the salon you can usually find me... Working on the business haha! You will often catch me walking around Wollongong harbour. I love spending weekends at the beach in summer and when I can jumping on a plane to Bali.
  • What are some causes you care about? Causes against animal cruelty. I avoid all animal tested products, make up, cleaning products, skincare. whatever I can, I do my research before I purchase! It is something that baffles me that something so horrible and unnecessary still occurs in todays world.
  • Who is someone you admire, and why? Emma Issacs. Since reading Emma’s book ‘Winging it’ I’ve been hooked. She is a strong, savvy business entrepreneur that really inspires me to be better and just GET IT DONE. She is all for female empowerment and you guessed it, winging it in business! 
  • Something you are proud of? That's easy! Hair & Harlow Fairy Meadow and my team 
  • Something that annoys you? I hate FEET!! Getting petrol and being tickled DRIVES ME NUTS!
  • Something that makes you happy? I have so many things! The obvious things are my husband, friends and family. But I'm happy when hard work pays off! Personally or professionally.
  • How do you like your coffee? Almond latte, one sweetener 



Salon Manager/Admin

I started my hairdressing career at the age of 15 in Darwin, I always knew from a
very young age that’s what I wanted to do as I was so drawn to how you can make someone feel after them getting their hair done. At 17 I moved to Sydney where I continued my journey as I worked as a stylist for 9 years before making the move to 
the Administration side of the industry 4 years ago.

  • How long have you been with Hair&Harlow? 3yrs in August. Best 3yrs ever!
  • On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me at a KX Pilates class! Best way to start any day!!
  • What are some causes you care about? Woman Empowerment!! Seeing woman being strong independent and successful!
  • Who is someone you admire, and why? My entrepreneur friends!! I love seeing my girls being bosses always keeps me motivated!
  • Something you are proud of? My growth as a person over the last few years! Independence and resilience.
  • Something that annoys you? Rude people, it is so much easier to be nice!!
  • Something that makes you happy? My family, all my nieces and nephews they are the best and of course my Fiancé!! Also, long walks anywhere near the water!
  • How do you like your coffee? Almond Latte




Executive Stylist


My name is Mia, I am currently half way through the second year of my
hairdressing apprenticeship. From a young age hairdressing has been all I have
known, I have grown up observing my mother and aunty who are both
hairdressers. I officially began my hairdressing journey in a local salon after
school and Saturday's, six months later I was offered the role as an apprentice
hairdresser. After my first year I transferred to hair&harlow and I couldn't be

  • How long have you been with hair&harlow? Since January 2021
  • Favourite thing to do as a hairstylist? As an apprentice, I'm still exploring my favourite task in the field, but I would like to say I enjoy it all.
  • When I'm not at work you will find me... Walking around Wollongong harbour, playing soccer, dancing around my living room blasting music or sketching.
  • What are some causes you care about? Anything that empowers sports/physical activity, mental health, and overall feeling good.
  • Who is someone you admire, and why? I admire my aunty. She was such a strong woman who lived life to the fullest not caring about anyone's opinions and was always finding a reason to travel. She fought her way through cancer with fear of nothing. Even though she never won the batter she will forever inspire me to be fearless, courageous and constantly reminds me that I need to think about myself and not worry about what others have to say.
  • Something you are proud of? I am proud of myself for winning a position at hair&harlow. Hair & Harlow has always been a salon I have always wanted to work at. When I was still at school I applied many times but the timing just wasn't right, I guess you can say everything happens for a reason.
  • Something that annoys you? People who chew with their mouth open, waiting, clutter and mess.
  • Something that makes you happy? Sports/exercise, being outside exploring and adventuring, socialising and blasting music no matter where I am.
  • How do you like your coffee? I don't actually drink coffee, but I really love fresh orange juice.



Executive Stylist 


Hi I’m Haley a senior stylist hair&harlow Fairy Meadow. I started my hairdressing career as a first year apprentice at Hair&Harlow in 2015.

  • Favourite thing to do as a stylist ? I love to create amazing colour transformations.
  • When I’m not at the salon you can usually find me…. Spending the weekends with my family making the best memories.
  • What are some causes I care about ? Anything animals haha I am a sucker for animals I was that kid that brought home animals even when my parents said no. I will do anything to help them and raise awareness against animal cruelty. 
  • Something you are proud of ? I am super proud of everything I have achieved at such a young age
  • Something that annoys you ? A lot of little things annoy me mainly noises though it’s like I have super hearing, so a dripping tap or something so simple will get on my nerves
  • Something that makes me happy ? My family never fails to make me happy
  • How do I have my coffee ? I don’t drink coffee even though everyone told me I would start once I became a Mum but I do love a good hot chocolate.



Executive Stylist


Hi I am Maddi, grew up in Jindabyne but have spent the past 5 years moving
around Australia hairdressing due to my husband’s job, we were lucky enough
to spend a few years in both Cairns and Sydney and now we are excited for
our next adventure here in Wollongong.

  • How long have you been hairdressing? I have been hairdressing since 2015.
  • How long have you been with hair&harlow? I have only recently joined the team in July, it has been short but very sweet!
  • Favourite thing to do as a hair stylist? I absolutely love anything blonde or balayage.
  • Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me..
    In winter back home skiing and in summer I will be at the beach or hiking.
  • What are some causes you care about? I am very passionate about Skin cancer awareness, melanoma runs in my family so don’t forget to get your skin checked!
  • Who is someone you admire, and why? Eddie Jaku, Eddie was an Auschwitz Survivor and has written an incredible book called ‘The Happiest Man On Earth’ I highly recommend it if you haven’t already read it.
  • Something you are proud of? I am proud of myself and the resilient and adaptive person that I have had to become with my partners job moving us every few years. Also being able to score my dream job here at hair&harlow Fairy Meadow.
  • Something that annoys you? I cannot deal with the sound of people chewing!
  • Something that makes you happy? Being outdoors, exploring, traveling and spending time with my family.
  • How do you like your coffee? I love a Skim Cappuccino